Get evidence-based solutions for ED that work
*A consultation with a licensed doctor is required for prescriptions
How Priv works
Tell us about you
Answer a few questions about your symptoms. A doctor will assess you and get back to you within 24 hours
Get personalized treatment
Receive your personalized treatment plan and medicines directly at home within 24 hours after it is approved
Ongoing support
Reach out to us at any time to discuss updating your treatment or answer other treatment-related questions
We are making men's health accessible and convenient, the way it should be
Your treatment comes to you. Skip the trip to your doctor's office and the line at your local pharmacy. Access treatment online at your convenience
Access clinically proven treatments, supported by science and prescribed by our experienced men's health doctors
Get truly private and compassionate care. No judgment, no stigma. Just, a doctor who is there for you when you need them
Designed by men’s health experts, just for you
“Our goal is to provide you with a discreet, non-judgmental and convenient care that puts you in control and our team of passionate healthcare professionals share our belief that every man deserves access to safe, discreet and affordable healthcare.”
Dr. Olusina Ajidahun
Trusted by 2,000+ men
See what some of our patients say about us
As a man, I never thought I would open up about my health struggles, but my Priv doctor made me feel comfortable and supported. No judgment, just help.
I encouraged my partner to seek help for his bedroom issues, and Priv provided a safe and supportive space for him to do so. I am grateful for their services!
The process was a whole lot easier and faster than I imagined. And the doctor was absolutely helpful and answered relatively fast. I highly recommend Priv.
What is Priv?
Priv is a telehealth provider that offers men accessible and affordable solutions for common health concerns like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, hair loss, and more. Through a combination of licensed doctors, prescription medications, and over-the-counter treatments, Priv provides a modern approach to men's healthcare.
Who is Priv for?
How does Priv work?
Where is Priv available
Are your doctors licensed?
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Get seamless and discreet care for conditions that affect your everyday life
©2024 Priv Health, a Lifebox Labs company